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Unit4 Section A 3a


Look at this letter to a magazine and the reply from Robert Hunt, a school counselor.

Complete the chart.

Dear Mr. Hunt,

My problem is that I can't get on with my family.

Relations between my parents have become difficult.

They fight a lot, and I really don't like it.

It's the only communication they have.

I don't know if I should say anything to them about this.

When they argue, it's like a big, black cloud hanging over our home.

Also, my elder brother is not very nice to me.

He always refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show.

Instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night.

I don't think this is fair.

At home I always feel lonely and nervous.

Is that normal? What can I do?

Sad and Thirteen

Dear Sad and Thirteen,

It's not easy being your age, and it's normal to have these feelings.

Why don't you talk about these feelings with your family?

If your parents are having problems, you should offer to help.

Maybe you could do more jobs around the house so that they have more time for proper communication.

Secondly, why don't you sit down and communicate with your brother?

You should explain that you don't mind him watching TV all the time.

However, he should let you watch your favorite show.

I hope things will be better for you soon.

Robert Hunt



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