第2页_U1_Listening and Speaking _2.Listen to the conversation and choose the main idea.mp3
第3页_U1_Pronunciation _1.Listen and tick the word that you hear.mp3
【人教2019版】必修2 高中英语单词表(pdf版).pdf
第2页_U1_Listening and Speaking _2.Listen to the conversation and choose the main idea.mp3
第2页_U1_Listening and Speaking _3.Listen again and help the reporter to complete the interview notes..mp3
第3页_U1_Listening and Speaking_5.Listen to the conversation again and use the context to guess the meaning.mp3
第3页_U1_Pronunciation _1.Listen and tick the word that you hear.mp3
第3页_U1_Pronunciation _3.Listen and repeat.mp3
第3页_U4_Listening and Talking _1.Backpacker Paul is talking to a receptionist.mp3
第4页_U1_Reading and Thinking _2.mp3
第6页_U1_Listening and Talking _1.Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answers.mp3
第6页_U1_Listening and Talking _2.What do you know about the Kremlin and Red Square.mp3
第8页_U1_Reading for Writing _1.mp3
第14页_U2_Listening and Speaking _2.Listen to the first part and fill in the blanks..mp3
第14页_U2_Listening and Speaking _3.Listen to the second part and answer the questions.mp3
第15页_U2_Pronunciation _2.Check your answers with another pair.Then listen and repeat..mp3
第15页_U2_Pronunciation _3.Listen to the conversation in Activity 5.mp3
第17页_U2_Reading and Thinking _2.mp3
第19页_U2_Listening and Talking _3.Listen and answer the questions.mp3
第19页_U2_Listening and Talking _4.Listen again and use the phrases you hear to fill in the blanks.mp3
第20页_U2_Reading for Writing _2.mp3
第26页_U3_Listening and Speaking _2.Sam is doing a survey on online habits.mp3
第26页_U3_Listening and Speaking _3.Listen again and fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.mp3
第27页_U3_Pronunciation _3.Listen to the poem and see if you got the stressed words right..mp3
第29页_U3_Reading and Thinking _2.mp3
第31页_U3_Listening and Talking _1.Laura and Xiao Bo are talking about apps..mp3
第31页_U3_Listening and Talking _2.Listen again.Are the sentences true (T) or false (F).mp3
第31页_U3_Listening and Talking _3.Listen once more and tick the sentences you hear..mp3
第32页_U3_Reading for Writing _1.mp3
第38页_U4_Listening and Speaking _2.Listen to a conversation between a British tourist.mp3
第38页_U4_Listening and Speaking _3.Listen again and decide whether these statements are true (T), false (F).mp3
第39页_U4_Pronunciation _2.Repeat the poem after the recording.mp3
第40页_U4_Reading and Thinking _2.mp3
第43页_U4_Listening and Talking _2.Listen once more..mp3
第44页_U4_Reading for Writing _1.mp3
第50页_U5_Listening and Speaking _3.A reporter from the school newspaper is interviewing students about music..mp3
第50页_U5_Listening and Speaking _4.The reporter paraphrased some of the answers the students gave him..mp3
第51页_U5_Pronunciation _2.Repeat after the recording.mp3
第52页_U5_Reading and Thinking _2.mp3
第55页_U5_Listening and Talking _1.Listen to an announcement about a school music festival..mp3
第55页_U5_Listening and Talking _2.Listen to the announcement again and answer the questions.mp3
第56页_U5_Reading for Writing _1.mp3
第64页_WB_U1_Reading and Writing.mp3
第70页_WB_U2_Reading and Writing.mp3
第76页_WB_U3_Reading and Writing.mp3
第82页_WB_U4_Reading and Writing.mp3
第88页_WB_U5_Reading and Writing.mp3
第101页_New words_U1.mp3
第102页_New words_U2.mp3
第103页_New words_U3.mp3
第104页_New words_U4.mp3
第105页_New words_U5.mp3