01UNIT1 Read the passage and make a flow chart.mp3
02UNIT1 Listen to the presentation and put the following items.mp3
03UNIT1 Listen again and answer the questions.mp3
04UNIT1 Listen again and tick the signpost words that you hear.mp3
05UNIT1 Read the text and discuss for whom it was written.mp3
01UNIT1 Read the passage and make a flow chart.mp3
02UNIT1 Listen to the presentation and put the following items.mp3
03UNIT1 Listen again and answer the questions.mp3
04UNIT1 Listen again and tick the signpost words that you hear.mp3
05UNIT1 Read the text and discuss for whom it was written.mp3
06UNIT1 listening and speaking Now listen to the interview and see if your answers.mp3
07UNIT1 Listen again and answer the questions.mp3
08UNIT1 Read the passage and write questions for the answers below.mp3
09UNIT1 单词听力.mp3
10UNIT2 Read the text and find out what main ideas.mp3
11UNIT2 Listen to the conversation and complete the chart below.mp3
12UNIT2 Listen again and answer these questions.mp3
13UNIT2 Two students attended the summer camp.mp3
14UNIT2 P70 listening and speaking Listen to a speech and answer these questions.mp3
15UNIT2 Listen again and take notes on the speaker’s tips.mp3
16UNIT2 reading and writing Read the text. Whom do you think this text is written.mp3
17UNIT2 听力单词.mp3
18UNIT3 Read the text and answer the questions.mp3
19UNIT3 Listen to an interview with an air pollution expert.mp3
20UNIT3 Listen again and take notes on what the expert said.mp3
21UNIT3 Read the report and then answer the questions.mp3
22UNIT3 P77 listening and speaking Listen to the story and check your answer.mp3
23UNIT3 Listen again and decide whether the statements.mp3
24UNIT3 Read the text and complete the table.mp3
25UNIT3 听力单词.mp3
26UNIT4 Listen again and answer these questions.mp3
27UNIT4 Listen to one of the team members talk about the rescue plan.mp3
28UNIT4 listening and speaking A school counsellor is giving a speech. Listen toth speec.mp3
29UNIT4 Read the passage about a famous person in ancient China.mp3
30UNIT4 Read the text and answer the questions.mp3
31UNIT4 This is a continuation of the story of Shackleton’s men.mp3
32UNIT4 听力单词.mp3
33UNIT5 Read the text and complete the table on page 51.mp3
34UNIT5 You are going to listen to a conversation between a teacher.mp3
35UNIT5 Listen to Part 2 and find out how the students.mp3
36UNIT5 Listen to the two parts again and tick the expressions.mp3
37UNIT5 Listen and practise reading the following poems aloud.mp3
38UNIT5 Read the poems below and then complete the table.mp3
39UNIT5 Listen to the introduction on Robert Burns and complete the notes.mp3
40UNIT5 Listen again and answer the questions.mp3
41UNIT5 Read the text and answer the questions.mp3
42UNIT5 听力单词.mp3