A (Page 1-4)
1. about
1) I'd like to know what this is all about. 我想知道这到底是怎么回事。
2) How about a fish sandwich? 来一块鱼肉三明治怎么样?
3) What about me? 我怎么样?
4) I'm not about to go in that old house. 我是不会进那幢旧房子的!
5) Yes I remember that night. What about it? 是的,我记得那个晚上,那又怎样?
6) What's this all about? 这到底是怎么回事?
7) It's about time you showed up! 差不多是你该露面的时候了。
2. above
1) Above all, I want everything quiet. 首要的是:我要一切保持安定。
2) Tom thinks he's above hard work. 汤姆认为自己没必要努力工作。
3. act
1) Would you please act out what happened? 你能把发生的事演示一下吗?
2) Watch Ricky. He sometimes likes to act up in class. 注意里基,他又是喜欢在课堂上捣蛋。
3) That profane comedian needs to clean up his act. 那个爱说粗言秽语的喜剧演员应该净化一下自己的言行。
4) We need to get our act together and come to see you. 我们需要统一意见后来见你。
5) The newspapers called the earthquake an act of God. 报纸上称那次地震为天灾。
6) Masa is a class act. 玛莎是位杰出的女性。
4. action
1) We're going to bring action against our debtors. 我们打算控告我们的债务人。
2) Did you see any action in yesterday's ballgame? 昨晚的棒球比赛中你看到有什么有趣的精彩场面吗?
3) Our community is going to take action against the proposed waste dump. 我地区要采取行动反对那项垃圾处理场的提案。
4) Jim wants to go where the action is. 吉姆想去有刺激性的地方。
5. advantage
1) Our opponents have a height advantage on us. 我们的对手在身高上比我们占有优势。
2) Nobody likes to be taken advantage of. 没有人喜欢被捉弄(或:被欺骗、利用)
6. after
1) I think that girl is after you. 我想那女孩是在追你。
2) It looks like things are gonna work out after all. 看起来事情终会解决的。
3) This soft drink has a nasty aftertaste. 这软饮料有种让人难受的余味。
4) I see your point, but don't you think it's way after the fact. 我明白你的意思,但你不觉得这已是"事后诸葛亮"了吗?
7. again
1) I could go to Japan again and again. 我可以一而再、再而三地去日本。(注:意指不会感到厌倦)
8. age
1) Would you please act your age! 请你做事要有一个与自己年龄相称的样子。
2) This is a "coming of age" movie. 这是一部成人影片。
9. air
1) I need to go outside and get some air. 我需要出去呼吸点新鲜空气。
2) I don't know what's wrong, but can feel it in the air. 虽然我不知道到底是出了什么差错,但我能隐隐约约感觉到。
3) Mike was sad when they took his favorite program off the air. 当迈克喜欢的节目被取消时,他感到很伤心。
4) The sale of our house is still up in the air. 我们的房子出勤率售一事还没有最后定下来。
5) After winning the championship, I felt I could walk on air. 获得冠军后,我飘飘欲仙。
6) Your sister is such an airhead. 你姐姐真是来个没有头脑的人。
7) Janet Jackson's new song is getting lots of airplay. 珍妮·杰克逊的新歌到处都在不断地播放。
8) That last time I took a plane, I got airsick. 上次我乘飞机时晕机了。
9) I hope there's no bad air between us. 我希望我们之间的关系不要很别扭。
10. all
1) It's looks like we won't be going after all. 看起来最后我们还是不能去。
2) We've all but finished the project. 我们已几乎完成了那个项目。
3) All in all I'd say it's been a very productive day. 总的来说,我认为这一天过得很充实。
4) Let's go all-out and win this game! 让我们尽全力来打赢这场比赛。
5) We knew it was all over when we saw the building burst. 当我们看见那座建筑突然起火时,我们知道一切全完了。
6) We wish you all the best. 我们大家祝福你一切如意。
7) If it's all the same to you, I'd just as soon not go. 如果这对你都是一回事的话,我就不想去了。
8) They were running from the police like all get-out. 他们以极快的速度逃脱警察的追赶。
9) I didn't see them come in at all. 我根本高没有发现他们的进来。
10) Let's settle this matter once and for all. 让我们来把这个问题一次性地彻底解决掉。
11) Mark is an all-around athlete. 马克是一个全能运动员。
12) Did you get to play in the all-star game? 你入选全明星队的比赛了吗?
13) He bloke the all-time record in the 100-meter run at his school. 他打破了他所在的学校100米跑的历史最高记录。
11. alley
1) Working on cars isn't up my alley. 修理汽车不是我拿手的活儿。
12. alone
1) I just wanna be left alone. 我只是想一个人呆会儿。
2) Can't you just leave well enough alone? 你不能少管一些闲事吗?
13. along
1) You knew all along what was going on. 你从一开始就知道所发生的事。
2) Debbie doesn't get along with Steve. 戴比和史蒂夫相处得不好。
14. American
1) Mr. Pak came here searching for the American dream. 帕克先生来到这儿寻求他的"美国梦"。
2) Some foreigners become Americanized while living in the U.S. 一些外国人在美国居住时被美国化了。
3) Not having any job freedom would be totally unAmerican. 没有选择职业的自由是完全违背美国精神传统的。
4) Bill is an all-American quarterback. 比尔是全美(橄榄球)明星赛的四分卫队员。
5) I just can't go on the American way. 我无法适应美国方式。
15. animal
1) Water-skiing really brings out the animal in Tom. 滑水运动真正激发出了汤姆的活力与激情。
2) The young actor emits a lot of animal magnetism on the screen. 那个年轻演员在荧幕上充分显示出他的性魅力。
16. answer
1) I called Emi but there was no answer. 我给埃米打了电话,但是没人接。
17. apple
1) Have you ever been to the Big Apple? 你去过纽约吗?
2) Do I sense an apple of discord between you two? 你问我有没有感觉出你们两人之间的不和,是吗?
3) Heather is the apple of my eye. 希瑟是我的掌上明珠。
4) Rita likes to keep everything in apple-pie order. 丽塔喜欢把一切都弄得井井有条。
5) Dennis has always been an apple polisher. 丹尼斯一直就是一个马屁精。
18. arm
1) You don't have to twist my arm to get me to go with you. 用不着你强迫我跟你走。
2) My father is a hopeless armchair quarterback. 我爸爸是一个没救了的纸上谈兵的人。
3) The suspects are armed and dangerous. 嫌疑犯带有武器,十分危险。
4) Every spring the park is filled with lovers walking arm in arm. 每到春天公园里到处都是手挽手散步的恋人。
19. around
1) Coach Johnson has been around for 30 years. 约翰逊教练已有三十年的经验了。
2) Someone is on duty here around-the-clock. 有人在这里昼夜值班。
20. as
1) It looks as if someone has already been here. 看起来在人来过这里了。
2) As for me, I'm going home. 至于我,我准备回家。
3) Marty is acting as if nothing happened. 马蒂表现得像什么也没发生过一样。
4) I want this room left as is. 我希望这间房子保持原样。
5) The changes will begin taking place as of tomorrow. 变动从明天开始实施。
6) Police are baffled as to the whereabouts of the kidnappers. 警察局搜寻绑架者的工作受挫。
21. average
1) Our gas bill average about $50 a month. 我们每个月的煤气费平均50美元。
2) On the average, I'd say we eat chicken once a week. 我们平均每周吃一次鸡肉。
3) Kent describes himself as just an average Joe. 肯特视自己为一名普通的美国人。
4) On the average day, over 100,000 kids bring guns to school in the U.S. 在美国平常日子里,有100,000个孩子带手枪去上学。
22. away
1) What makes you think you're gonna get away with this? 是什么使你认为你可以免受处罚?
2) I wish they'd do away with these complicated tax forms. 我希望他们能费除掉这些复杂的税务表格。
3) We're planning a weekend getaway for our anniversary. 我们正在为庆祝我们的纪念日而安排一次周末的外出活动。
4) Tom wants to run away from home. 汤姆想从家里出逃。
5) Dave and Kathy are going to steal away on vacation. 戴夫和凯茜计划在假期里偷偷跑出去。